101 Great Conversation Starters
Here is a collection of 101 conversation starters that you can use to help you connect with others (friends, couples, someone new...). Ideally these questions will spark further discussions that lead to deeper connections; we've included potential follow up questions that you can ask to help keep the conversation flowing. We have a variety of great questions in different topics ranging from interesting and fun to clever and witty. If you need more help starting a conversation, visit How to Start a Conversation
Ice Breakers
- Where did you grow up?
- What did you like most about where you grew up?
- What did you like least about where you grew up?
- Do you have any pets?
- How long have you had your pet for?
- What's your pet's name?
- Why did you name him/her that?
- Do you have any siblings?
- How did you like being a single child?
- What was it like being the [youngest/middle/oldest] child?
- Do you know what your name means?
- Do you know why your parents gave you that name?
- If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
- What type of phone do you have?
- How old is your phone?
- How often do you get a new phone?
- What did you do this past weekend?
- What did you enjoy most about that?
- Did you go with anyone else?
- Is that a typical weekend for you?
- What are your plans for this weekend?
- That sounds fun! What specific activities do you have planned?
- How did you come up with that idea for the weekend?
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
- How did you get started with that hobby/activity?
- Are you a part of any clubs/groups?
- What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
- Why do you choose to do that first?
- Is this part of a bigger morning routine?
- Do you do this first on both weekdays and weekends?
- What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
- Why do you choose to do that last?
- Is this part of a bigger night time routine that you have?
- Do you do this last thing on both weekdays and weekends?
- What is your middle name?
- Do you know why your parents gave you that name?
- Do you know what your middle name means?
- What was the last thing you purchased?
- Where did you buy it from?
- How did you decide to purchase that item?
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Why is it your favorite?
- Do you have any traditions you do on that holiday?
- What is your favorite day of the week?
- What makes it your favorite day?
- What is your least favorite day?
- If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be?
- Why did you choose that person?
- What questions would you ask them?
- What do you like to do to relax?
- How often do you get to do that?
- Do you have a favorite place or setting where you like to relax?
- Why do you enjoy that activity?
- Are you a saver or a spender?
- How do you think your upbringing influenced your views on money?
- What short and long term financial goals do you have?
- How do you manage your budget?
- Do you play any instruments?
- How long have you been playing for?
- How did you start playing [instrument]?

Childhood Questions
- What was your favorite children's book?
- What makes this book your favorite?
- What was this book about?
- What was your favorite part of this book?
- What is your earliest childhood memory?
- How old were you at the time?
- Who else was there during this memory?
- Why do you think this memory stands out to you?
- What type of kid were you (e.g. spoiled, rebellious, well-behaved, quiet, obnoxious...)?
- Have you changed since you were a kid?
- Are there any traits from your childhood that you still see in yourself today?
- What is one thing you miss about being a kid?
- What is your favorite memory associated with that?
- What is one thing that you do not miss about being a kid?
- What did you want to grow up to be when you were younger?
- What is your dream job now?
- Why did you not pursue the job you wanted to do when you were younger?
School/Work Topics
- Where did (do) you go to school?
- How did you like school?
- What was your favorite part about school?
- What was your least favorite part about school?
- What was (is) your favorite subject?
- Why was it your favorite subject?
- Did a teacher influence you to like this subject?
- What was (is) your least favorite subject?
- Why was it your least favorite subject?
- Did a teacher influence you to not like this subject?
- What's the first thing you do after school/work?
- If you could change one thing about your after-school/work routine, what would it be?
- Were you the class clown or teacher's pet?
- If you could go back, would you choose to be the same role again or try to change?
- What do you do for a living?
- How did you get into that line of work?
- What does a routine day at work look like for you?
- What is your dream job?
- What inspired you to choose that as your dream job?
- Are you taking any steps to achieve your dream job?
- If you had $10 million, would you still be working/going to school?
- What would you do if you weren't in school/working?
- How would your life change if you had that much money?
- What would you do with your new found wealth?
- What was your least favorite job that you've ever had?
- What made the job so unlikable?
- What did you learn from that job?
- What would you have changed about that job if you could?
- What is something that you have gotten in trouble for at school/work?
- How did you handle the situation?
- If you could go back, would you do anything differently?
- Was there anything positive that came from that incident?
Relationship Questions
- What is the first thing you notice about a guy or girl?
- How important is physical appearance compared to personality traits in making a first impression?
- Do you think first impressions are deceptive?
- Have you ever been in love?
- How do you know it was love?
- How would you define love?
- Do you believe in soulmates?
- Is it possible to have more than one soulmate?
- Do you think we meet our soulmate by fate or do we need to proactively look for him/her?
- What are your turn offs?
- Are there any turn offs that you've changed your mind about over time?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- How important is initial attraction in a romantic relationship?
- Have you ever fallen in love with somebody by what you saw?
- Do you prefer short hair or long hair on a [guy/girl]?
- What do you find most appealing about [short/long] hair?
- If someone were to change their hairstyle, would that affect your perception of them?
- What do you look for in a guy/girl?
- What qualities do you value most in a partner?
- What makes you feel loved and appreciated in a relationship?
- Who was the last person you called?
- How often do you call this person?
- What was the reason for the call?
- Do you prefer calling or texting?
- Would you rather be rich and never find true love or be poor and find true love?
- What is the biggest sacrifice you'd make to find true love?
- Do you believe that money can buy happiness?
Sports Conversation Starters
- Who is your favorite athlete?
- Why is he/she your favorite athlete?
- When did he/she become your favorite athlete?
- How often do you exercise?
- What exercises do you do?
- Do you exercise at a gym?
- What is your favorite sports team?
- How long have you been a fan of the team?
- How did they become your favorite team?
- Do you play any sports?
- How did you get into that sport?
- How often do you play?
- Who do you play with?
Vacation Questions
- Where was the last place you went on vacation?
- What did you do there?
- Would you go back again?
- Where do you plan on going for your next vacation?
- How long do you plan on going for?
- What do you plan on doing there?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- What specifically draws you to that place?
- What kind of lifestyle do you envision living there?
- What challenges do you foresee if you were to live there?
- What countries have you traveled to?
- Are there any new countries that you would like to visit that you have been to before?
- Which country was your favorite?
- What was your worst vacation experience?
- What specific events made it the worst experience?
- If you could go back in time, would you do anything different?
Food/Drink Topics
- What is your favorite drink?
- Is there a specific brand or type you prefer?
- What do you like to pair with that drink?
- What is your favorite food?
- Is there a specific recipe or restaurant that you prefer?
- Did you grow up eating this or did you discover it later in life?
- What is your favorite meal of the day?
- What do you usually eat for that meal?
- Do you prefer to eat at home or at a restaurant?
- Are there any foods that you dislike or will not eat?
- Why do you dislike this food? Is it the texture, flavor, or a bad experience with it?
- Have you ever tried to like it or give it another chance?
- Are there any foods that you would like to try?
- Why haven't you tried it yet?
- Where did you learn about this food?
- What is your favorite restaurant?
- Is there a specific dish that you like there?
- How often do you go?
- What is your favorite pizza topping?
- What is the weirdest pizza topping combination that you've had?
- What's your least favorite pizza topping?
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Do you like to put anything on top of your ice cream?
- Is there any ice cream flavor you don't like?
- Do you prefer ice cream in a bowl or cone?
- What did you have for dinner last night?
- How was it?
- Did you eat alone or with other people?
- Where did you have dinner? At home, a restaurant, or somewhere else?
- What is the signature dish that you cook?
- How often do you cook that dish?
- How did you learn to cook?
- Do you cook a lot?
Entertainment Topics
- Who is your favorite [actor/actress]?
- What is your favorite movie that they were in?
- Have you seen them in any recent films or shows?
- What is your favorite movie of all time?
- How many times have you watched it?
- What makes that movie your favorite?
- What was the worst movie you've ever seen?
- Did you watch the whole thing?
- What made you decide to watch it?
- What is your favorite TV show?
- What is it about?
- Who is your favorite character in it?
- Have you watched it more than once?
- What was the last movie you've seen?
- What did you think of it?
- Are there any upcoming movies you're looking forward to seeing?
- Was there a particular reason you chose to watch that movie?
- What type of music do you like to listen to?
- What’s your favorite artist or band?
- Do you have a favorite song or album?
- Who is your favorite music artist?
- Have you ever been to their concert?
- What's your favorite song by them?
- When was the first time you heard them?
- What was the last book you read?
- What did you think of the book?
- Why did you choose to read that book?
- What was the book about?
Personal Questions
- Who do you look up to?
- What qualities or traits do you admire most about this person?
- Have they influenced your life in any specific ways?
- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
- Do you think your vision might change over time? If so, how?
- What do you need to do to get to where you see yourself?
- What are you scared of?
- What do you think is the root cause of that fear?
- Are you using any strategies to cope with or manage that fear?
- What is the best piece of advice you've received?
- Was there a particular situation where you applied this advice?
- If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
- What do your parents do for a living?
- How did your parents get into their respective fields?
- Did their careers influence your own career choices or aspirations?
- What is your biggest regret?
- If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?
- What is your most embarrassing moment?
- If you could go back in time, would you change anything about that moment, or would you leave it as is?
- What did you learn from that experience?
- What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
- What motivated you to do that crazy thing?
- Looking back, would you do it again?
- What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen someone else do?
- What are some of your short-term goals?
- What inspired you to set these particular goals?
- How do these short-term goals align with your long-term aspirations?
- What are some of your long-term goals?
- Have your long-term goals changed over time? If so, how?
- What challenges do you anticipate facing as you work toward these goals?
- What will success look like for you in relation to these goals?
Fun Starters
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
- What kind of stuffed animal do you sleep with and how long have you had it for?
- Is there a special story behind how you got your stuffed animal?
- Does having your stuffed animal next to you help you sleep better?
- Tell me about your first car.
- How did you feel when you first got it?
- What was your most memorable experience with the car?
- Do you drink coffee or tea?
- What type of [tea/coffee] do you drink?
- Do you put anything in your drink?
- How many cups do you drink?
- If you could have any super power, what would it be?
- How would you use your super power?
- How would your new super powers change your relationships?
- Would you keep it a secret or share it with others?
- If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could have only 1 item, what would it be?
- Why did you choose that particular item?
- If you could bring one additional person with you, who would it be and why?
- What would your plan be to survive?
- Do you believe in luck?
- Do you think luck plays a significant role in success, or is it more about hard work?
- What was the luckiest thing that happened to you?
- Do you play video games?
- What's your favorite game?
- How often do you play?
- Do you believe people are inherently good?
- How do you define good?
- Can people who are good do bad things?
- How often do you shower?
- Do you shower in the morning or at night?
- What is your favorite board game?
- Who do you like to play it with?
- When was the first time you played it?
- What is your favorite charity?
- Tell me more about the charity.
- What makes this charity your favorite?
- Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
- How fast were you going?
- What was the fine?
- Do you prefer cats or dogs?
- Why do you like them more?
- What do you think are the biggest differences between cats and dogs as pets?
- Would you prefer to live in the city or a rural area?
- Why do you prefer that?
- What is your favorite season?
- What's your favorite activity to do during this season?
- What's your least favorite season?
- Do you speak any other languages?
- How did you learn that language?
- How fluent are you in that language?
- Are there any other languages you’d like to learn in the future?
- Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
- What was the occasion that made you so happy?
- How do you normally express your happiness?
- What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
- Did you learn or gain anything from that "best thing"?
- What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
- How did you cope with that situation?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- What song do you like to sing?
- Do you listen to anything while showering?
- What is the most valuable thing that you own?
- Why is it so valuable to you?
- How did you get it?
- Do you have any special memories associated with this item?
- What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
- What would your last meal be?
- Who would you want to spend your last hours with?